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Continuum and kyma

0 votes
Hello kyma people,

hope you are all fine and had some nice chrismas days.

Iam just thinking about getting a continuum fingerboard in the future, mainly to control kyma . ofcourse I know it has a nice synthesis engine in it, wich is a whole universe to discover.  

To get an idea what is possible with the continuum in combination with kyma Iam curious how you use It - what you controll with it. Triggering notes, control velocity  etc is just one straight forward approach to use it. That could totally make sense.
But whats possible beyond that?

I appreciate your feedback and all kind of video and sound examples.

thanks in advanced.

asked Dec 26, 2018 in Sound Design by x (Practitioner) (620 points)
edited Dec 26, 2018 by x

2 Answers

0 votes

You can control any parameters with the control signals from the Continuum. They are named !KeyPitch, !KeyVelocity, !KeyDown and !KeyTimbre, but those are just names; you can use them to control anything.

For example, this is a (10-year old) piece I did with the Continuum controlling the slipstick algorithms in Kyma.

answered Dec 26, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
how about this?
+1 vote


as a performer using the Continuum togeher with Kyma since many, many years I would express it as following: you can shape your sound with your fingers and theirs sensitivity in every aspect far beyond triggering, pitch or velocity: only your creative fantasy sets the boundaries.Thus you have the ability to play Kyma sounds like natural instruments, producing very organic soundings. Since 2009 I made no concert using Kyma without Continuum ...

answered Dec 30, 2018 by explodingtickets (Adept) (1,380 points)