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what do I put in the Frequency field of the Sample object reading a buffer that is being written by a DelayWithFeedback?

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Didn't formulate that question very well...

I was messing around with the DelayWithFeedback prototype. I wanted to see what might happen if I capture a non-Private Wavetable being written by a Delayline, and play it back using a Sample prototype with the FromMemoryWriter checked.

It does seem to work but I noticed that it is slightly desync'd .. I noticed this if I put the Sample player back into the DelayLine to create a hand-rolled feedback buffer manipulation ( like play it backwards for example).

I'm just curious - what should I put in the Frequency field of the Sample object reading a buffer that is being written by a DelayWithFeedback? Shoud it be set to Default or somehow related to the MaximumDelayTime of the buffer defined by the DelayWithFeedback?


Should it be set to Loop?
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Sound Design by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Ok I figured it out for my own purposes.

Yes, the Sample prototype that is reading a non-private wavetable being written by a delayline, should be set to Loop and its frequency set to Default as a starting point.

Now the newest version of NEL_SaturatingStereoDelay in Kyma Capsules Volume 1 sounds like this :)

answered Jan 13, 2019 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)
edited Jan 13, 2019 by cristian-vogel