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How do I make multi-ball VCS cubes reliably (and how do I manually move balls in depth?)

0 votes

I've been trying to make an aggregate 3D Cube VCS control with multiple balls. 

My EventValues are:

!1_Position.x, !1_Position.y, !1_Position.z
!2_Position.x, !2_Position.y...
!3_Position.x ...
!4_Position.x ...

On the VCS I lay out the faders horizontally like:

!1_Position.x, !1_Position.y, !1_Position.z, !2_Position.x, !2_Position.y ...

When I aggregate the controls they seem to get a bit scrambled with how they map on to the balls. For instance one ball might be mapped to !1_Position.x !1_Position.z !2_Position.y. When I disaggregate the 3D cube, the faders get put in a completely different order on the VCS window compared to the order they were in when I aggregated them. 

Is there some special EventValue naming or fader ordering I should be doing to get the controls to map onto the balls predictably?


Also, for bonus points, when I manually move the balls with the mouse how can I move them in the depth dimension (going back into the screen)?


Here's my test Sound.

asked May 26, 2019 in Using Kyma by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

The faders are mapped to dimensions in the order in which you select them to form the aggregate: first x, then y, then z.

Also, for bonus points, when I manually move the balls with the mouse how can I move them in the depth dimension (going back into the screen)?

To move a position marker by hand, click and drag its shadow on one of the walls.

answered May 26, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
selected Jul 17, 2019 by alan-jackson
It would be nice if a keyboard modifier could used with the mouse to move the ball's depth. I think you mentioned it was coming but multi-coloured balls would be fab too!