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How do I make Sounds the same length in a timeline?

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In a timeline, if I have a Sound on track 1, and I want to create a Sound on track 2 that is the same duration and at the same time as the first Sound, how do I do it?

The "align start" command will line up the two Sounds to start at the same time but how do I make the second Sound the same length?


A related question, if I use the Magnetic option to create a string of Sounds on a track all perfectly butting up against each other and then I drag one of the Sounds out from the middle and put it on another track, how would I line up that Sound with the hole it came out of? (I'd want to line up the start of that Sound with the end of the previous Sound). Or how would I put that Sound back into the whole on Track 1 that it came from?

asked May 29, 2019 in Using Kyma by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

A related question, if I use the Magnetic option to create a string of Sounds on a track all perfectly butting up against each other and then I drag one of the Sounds out from the middle and put it on 

One approach would be to move the Sound by selecting it, then using the down-arrow key to move it directly down to the next free slot in a track below. Then it will not lose its start time or change its duration (the only thing that changes is which track it is in). Similarly, use the up-arrow to move it directly back to its, now open, slot. 

answered May 29, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
0 votes

In a timeline, if I have a Sound on track 1, and I want to create a Sound on track 2 that is the same duration and at the same time as the first Sound, how do I do it?

At the top of the Timeline, you can read the Start time, Anchor time, Duration, and End time of the selected Time bar (notice the color coding on the left edge, left-top-right, and right edges):

To set a Sound in track 2 to have the same duration as a Sound in track 1, you could select the Sound on track 1. Copy its duration. Select the Sound on track 2 and paste the duration that you copied from the first Sound into the Duration field of the second Sound. 

answered May 29, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)