I have a Multigrid setup with 5 Tracks. I am controlling 4 of the tracks with MIDI and OSC inputs. I choose the Sounds in the Multigrid in Kyma Control and control parameters using MIDI from Max.
I would like to control the Track 5 sounds independently in Kyma Control including choosing the presets. I can control the sliders and knobs but I cannot choose the presets. Is there a way to access the presets in the Sounds in Kyma Control?
This is the MultiGrid. Track 5 is not receiving program change or dice changes from MIDI. The other tracks are.

This is the VCS. I can use the sliders in Kyma Control but I cannot change the presets on the iPad.
Or am I overlooking something?

This is my KymaControl on the laptop where I can access selecting the Track 5 VCS to bring it to full screen.

This is what I see on Kyma Control where I cannot bring Track 5 to full screen on the iPad where I can change presets.