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windows 10 kyma GUI veeery slow response

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kyma 7 GUI is very very slow, gets often times stuck. empty (white) windows remain for many seconds after moving them or changing their sizes. buttons do not react when clicked...

this renders this tool almost unusable, which is quite disappointing considering the expectations i had when i got a paca shiped over the atlantic.   

i am running windows 10 pro on a lenovo thinkstation with i7 quad core, intel HD4000 and 12 GB ram (so hardware performance should not be the problem) in windows 8 compatability mode. without that mode, the GUI is even slower.

as audio interface i am using focusrite saffire pro24.

help would be highly appreciated! thx!
asked Feb 6, 2020 in General by flok (120 points)
This is not the normal or expected behavior! Please contact support via email so we can try to help track down what's going on. Are you running the older Kyma 7, or the new Kyma 7+ (the 64-bit version)? Thanks!
installing kyma 7+ fixed the problem :-)
now the setup is ready to be explored!
many thx!!!
:) Great news! Thanks!

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