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Roli Seadboard Block Midi Channels

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Hi everyone,

I managed to use my Seadboard Block with Kyma, by connecting it directly into the Paca, via USB, and then under the Kyma's DSP menu I choosed rescan and in the DSP status I was able to choose the Seadboard Block Roli.

If I open, for example: Vocal grains KBD, in the MidiVoice Prototype, the Channel  parameter, by default, is set on 0, but I can play only one key and shortly after it stops producing any sound. If I change the value to 1, then only two keys work. 

I wonder what I maybe doing wrong here or missing doing. 

In the DSP window, in Midi Configuration I am using the follwing settings: 


Thank you for your time and help!



asked Jun 13, 2020 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by marco-lopez (Practitioner) (800 points)
recategorized Jun 13, 2020 by marco-lopez
Hi Marco, Couple of questions: Do you have the most recent version of Kyma (7.34f0)? If you try a different MIDIVoice KBD example, is the behavior identical? Thanks!

Yes, I do have the latest Kyma version 7.34f0. If I try for example the "Additive Frequencies SOS KBD", during the first seconds I get to play an octave's range of keys and once I do that the range gets limited to 4 keys and then to 2 keys only.

Another Sound I just tried out was "AdditiveIntervals SOS KBD" and that one from the besinning I am able to use the keys from E to B. And on the second try E and F gets muted.

Another one that I tried was the "Harmoniolin" and that I was only able to get a sound by pressing the B key.

And the last one was "Morph cello hrn GA granVerb" and the range was from F# to B.
Thanks. Just for clarification, are you talking about bending a single note? Or the range of active keys? Sending an email to ask for more details... Thanks!

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