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Deactivate a sound/prototype?

0 votes
I'm building a large sound that is pushing the DSP on my pacarana. It's a sequencer with lots of OSC a number of sound generators and effects controlled by the sequencer. I was thinking that a really handy feature whilst working on a sound like this would be to be able to deactivate sound(s) which would keep them in the graph but wouldn't compile them. At present I have to save different versions of a sound with some sounds removed.

I was wondering whether selectable sounds reduced DSP when set to a different sound (e.g. a constant) but it still seems to take same DSP.

Lastly, my sound uses less DSP when in a multi grid, even when it's just in there on it's own. Why is that?
asked Sep 6, 2020 in Using Kyma by ghood (Master) (3,060 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the Sound is in a Mixer, you can select just the branch you'd like to hear. (There isn't a way to jump over a Sound in a signal flow). Or, as you know, you use the Multigrid, which would let you switch between that Sound and pass through. Does your Sound generate a large number of SoundToGlobalControllers?

SelectableSound computes both inputs if the selection control is an EventValue; however, if you can make it into a constant value (or a green variable, set from a Script) it will not compute the unselected branch when it is unselected.
answered Sep 8, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (128,320 points)
Yes, lots of STGC are being used. Interesting re. constant value of selectable sound, that could help with debugging/testing DSP load.
SelectableSound is good when you want to choose between two branches with a compile-time switch. Sometimes I want to turn a branch on or off. In that case I use a Script with something like the following:

?DEBUG varIfTrue: [
    (inputs at: 1)
        start: 0