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How can I get Kyma to recognize my MOTU Ultralite in the DSP status?

0 votes
Really embarassing.  It's been nearly two years since I last used my PACA.  I can't remember how to get Kyma to recognize my interface.  HELP!
asked Mar 18, 2021 in Using Kyma by glen-hall (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Is your computer trying to claim the MOTU? You can check for this in the Audio MIDI Setup application.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for setting up an audio interface and more specifically a MOTU Ultralite.

At some point, you may also want to consider updating to Kyma 7+ so you can connect your Paca to the Mac via gigabit Ethernet, and connect the MOTU directly to the FireWire port on the back of the Paca.

answered Mar 18, 2021 by ssc (Savant) (127,540 points)