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Fatal Error on opening TrianglePosCtrl.aif …What?

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I'm getting a consistent Fatal Error on opening the file TrianglePosCtrl.aif in the Kyma/Waves/Control folder. It persists even with I replace the file from a backup ... Even though I had checked to make certain that Kyma would open the file from the backup. What's even odder is that QuickTime and WavePad both have no trouble with either of thsese files (both my original file and my backup.) I'm attaching the error message. 

I'm working on a practically brand new 14" MacBook Air. Any suggestions are welcome.

error image

asked Mar 10 in Using Kyma by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,150 points)
Disk Utilities reports no problem with the disk. Also … I got the backup file to work properly by putting it in a different folder.

1 Answer

0 votes

I just opened 'TrianglePosCtrl.aif' here without an error. Where have you placed your Kyma folder? What is the full pathname?

Do you have trouble opening any other files from that same folder?

answered Mar 10 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
I’ve certainly used some of them… can’t say for certain which (if any) of the others I haven’t used
Try starting Kyma with the caps-lock key down and take the option to reinstall. It will go quickly and will re download any wavetables that may have gotten corrupted during a previous install. Thanks!
Okay … so today I tried opening *all* of the aif files in Waves/Control folder. There are actually TWO files that won’t open using the Kyma audio file editor tool. Both of these files open fine in other programs.


I note that they share a common attribute: “PosCtrl” ???
But the “SquarePosCtrl” file *does* open.
I’m leaving for MOXsonic tomorrow. I don’t want to risk messing with a Kyma download before my performance this weekend, I have poor rural Appalacian Internet … which may actually have cause this problem to begin with. I'll try it when I get back home. Meanwhile my work around of moving those two from my back up files to a different folder seems to be working okay.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I just did the reinstall, but it didn’t fix the problem.

Performance at MOXsonic went well. :-)
Could you please try deleting the 2 files that you cannot open and then do the reinstall?