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Audio Interface not locking after new Mac OS 14.4.1 Install

0 votes
Motu Ultra Lite Mk3 no longer "works" as an Audio Input or Audio Output after updating the the latest Mac OS 14.4.1

I'm on the latest version of Kyma 7.42f3

The Motu is visiable DSP Status window.  I can easily select it as a MIDI Inpout and Output device. That "locks" right away in about 2-3 seconds.

However when I selet the same interface as the audio device it takes about 20 seconds to figure out it's not going to work.

Interesting that if I select the Motu device as a Midi device first.  That selection sticks but then when I ask Kyma to use the Motu as an audio device then it not only doesn't honor my request.  It also changes the midi in.out to a Silent device.
asked Apr 15 in Hardware & Interfaces by it-group (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Unless the Utralite is connected by FireWire to both your Mac and the Pacarana, the problem is unlikely to be due to the macOS update.

The MOTU may be stuck in USB mode.

The first thing to try is a factory reset of the MOTU. You can find the instructions for doing this on this page:
answered Apr 15 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
Thank're answer triggered me to find the actual solution.  Which was unplug all the connections and plug them back in.  And Boom..It all started working.