Since December 31st update we can do this,
(!SongStart ramp0: 1 ms reset: !SongStop) true: (!TimingClock triggerEvery: 12 reset: !SongStop) false: 0
From the Global Map:
"!TimingClock is a trigger that occurs once per MIDI timing message. !TimingClockDuration is the duration in seconds of the period of the MIDI timing clock."
!TimingClock is: (`MIDITimingClock displayAs: #nothing) extractClock.
!TimingClockDuration is: (`MIDITimingClock displayAs: #nothing) extractDuration * EventExpression fractionToSignedIntegerFactor / SignalProcessor sampleRate.
"The following are 1 ms duration triggers caused by the receipt of the corresponding MIDI messages."
!SongStart is: (`MIDISongStart displayAs: #nothing) extractClock.
!SongContinue is: (`MIDISongContinue displayAs: #nothing) extractClock.
!SongStop is: (`MIDISongStop displayAs: #nothing) extractClock.