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Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Size (lates model) not working

0 votes
Hi there,


I just bougth a new Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Size for Kyma.

For some unknown reasons it is not recognized by the Kyma app.

I'm running Kyma on macOSSierra 10.12.6.

Any help would be appreciated

All the best

asked Jan 31, 2018 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by federico-placidi (170 points)
Hi Federico, have you tried using Wacom Driver 6.3.23-3?
Hi C+K,
with Wacom Driver 6.3.23-3 is working but I have to select in the preferences
'Do not Click but Control Cursor'
Is any other way to fix this issue?
Looking at the cursor moving around is a bit disturbing :-)

Many thanks !

We first reported this to Wacom about a year ago. It started behaving this way with their new drivers (which are required for the new Intuos). We added the 'Do not Click but Control Cursor' as a workaround for their newly introduced bug.

We've provided them multiple snippets of sample code and explained the issue several times, but they don't seem to think it is a problem. We asked about it again a couple of weeks ago and have not received an answer. Still trying!
Thanks for asking and trying.
Would it help we, as Wacom customers, will ask too?

1 Answer

+1 vote

Wacom fixed this problem in driver version 6.3.32-4 for the Mac, which you can download from this page.

Unfortunately, they broke the use of touch (but not the pen) in the subsequent update, version 6.3.33-5 for the Mac, so we advise using driver version 6.3.32-4.

answered Mar 27, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)