Scan/Query TAU file's envelopes

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Hello everyone,

I've been wondering if there is a way to scan TAU envelopes.

What I'd like to do is to be able to recall sections of files that match Amplitude or Pitch criteria/values.
An example would be "find all section from these file where the Pitch is C3"

Is there currently a way to achieve this?

asked Oct 11, 2018 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by tazio (140 points)
One approach would be to feed the TimeIndex through a TriggeredSampleAndHold. The trigger expression would be the amplitude or frequency envelope (driven by that same TimeIndex). You could use a logic expression to test whether the envelope value is greater than some minimum and less than some maximum value so it would sample and hold the current timeIndex value when the envelope is within your range. You could record the sampleAndHeld timeIndex and use it to access those times in the TAU file. Would that work for what you are trying to do?
How were you planning to use the information once you obtain it?
I'm not sure that would work for my purpose.

What I'm trying to do is to procedurally replace the input sound with stitched grains coming from a bank of sounds that match the amplitude or pitch of the said input.
The concept is not dissimilar from what Reformer Pro does.

Ideally I could state: my input is -10dB, which are within the selected TAU files the sections that match -10dB(+or- hysteresis)? And then round robin the results to make a continuous flow of grains.
This would have to happen on demand live and the query should be continuous to match a constantly evolving input.

I guess we would need the ability to reorganize the envelopes based on their value instead of their occurrence.
You may have to do this in two stages: first analyze your envelopes and match timeIndex to your target values (and construct a mapping from value to TimeIndex(es). Then for the interactive stage, you could use an into: array or InputOutputCharacteristic to match incoming value to your pre-analyzed value by TimeIndex on the analyzed files.

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